Our Team

“कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन। मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥”?
You have every right to work but not expecting the fruits out of it.​
Let the focus be not on the fruits and never be inactive.

-Bhagavad Gita’s chapter-2 verse-47.

Since the very beginning I have been taught the importance of KARMA(good deeds), the boundless energies and special talents possessed by us-The Children! And that, WE are put on this Earth to do good, not to BE but to HELP the less fortunate. The two most important days of our life are, 1) The day we were Born and 2) The day we discover Why! The only way I could put these teachings in action was to do something for our Society. This thought gave birth to SMARTKITE!


Mahatma Gandhi

The landscape of today’s social problems is changing rapidly. Many social challenges continue to grow in magnitude and complexity. Each year a new problem arises, while the earlier ones continue to exist. These issues require new types of solutions, Dramatic changes, Creative Intelligence, Practicing humility and thinking BIG! But, who is going to do this? Most of us just sit back and complain, others think it’s the job of the government, or some super humans, others simply like to ignore it. Here, I would like to remind you that the WORLD IS CHANGED BY ORDINARY PEOPLE DOING EXTRAORDINARY THINGS WITH PASSION.
I welcome you to the world of SMARTKITE, where we, a bunch of school students believe that with sincerity, dedication, diligence, persistence and tenaciousness, Impactful changes can be made to our society. We feel that with a mix of practicality and idealism one can find solutions to any kind of problem.
If you are still reading this then, let me congratulate you on being an enlightened human being who has a want of bringing positive changes to the world, not only with words but with actions, and you, my friend, our the right volunteer for SMARTKITE! Welcome aboard…….
ALONE I can say, TOGETHER we can talk,
ALONE I can smile, TOGETHER we can laugh,
ALONE I can enjoy, TOGETHER we can celebrate,
ALONE I can do little, TOGETHER we can do a lot.

Shrina Bhalla
Shrina is a global warrior against common environmental and social issues like pollution, deforestation, gender equality, poverty etc. She is an active member of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) based Annual Projects. Driven by compassion, she is   always ready to lend a helping hand to the under privileged members of the society.

Anya Bansal
Anya , an avid reader and always striving for a fluent verbal expression is super excited to be a part of Smartkite . Her sensitivity towards the deteriorating environmental conditions urges her to contribute towards making earth a better place to live in.

Samreen Arora
Samreen is passionate about nature and all things green. Though only seven years of age she is very sensitive to a great deal of issues affecting our lives today. She keenly observes peoples conduct and doesnot refrain from speaking her mind on finding something wrong.

Suryansh Arora
Suryansh is an avid reader and blessed with a very curious and creative mind. He helps the club by bringing in fresh ideas and ingenious ways to spread the clubs message to a larger audience.

Hitaarth Parekh
Hitaarth is always excited to be a part of any project of SMARTKITE. He wants to work to make his city clean, green and plastic free.

Kabir Goel
16 yrs
I’ve always wanted to do my bit for the upliftment of the underprivileged children and Smartkite gave me the perfect platform to bring about that change

Pia Sharma
7th std
Smartkite has been vital in helping me not just see the problems faced by the lower rung of our society as well as our environment first hand, but develop compassion and be a part of the solution.

Illinnah Thakur
“Have you ever thought what your life would be like if you were born as someone else? Someone who was not as previliged as you. I saw many such people around, and so I believe in helping the less fortunate. Observing the kind acts of my grandparents and parents to help the underpriviliged, I learnt that if many of us have been blessed with financial advantages and stable families, it is our duty to help those who can’t help themselves. Joining SMARTKITE seems a great platform as I can do a lot as a team.” – Illinnah
Illinnah has been an important part of SMARTKITE in its initial projects and has recently moved to Canada, but distance could not keep her away from the team and she continues to contribute towards SMARTKITE with her creative thinking and out of the box ideas for the projects.

Nivaat Thakur
One of the youngest volunteers of SMARTKITE, Nivaat has extended his help during the various interactive sessions held at orphanages, he helped in breaking the ice with the under privileged children through his funny acts. Though he has recently moved to Canada, he still tries to organise resources for the under privileged through his family in India.
Also whenever he visits India he comes forward to help Smartkite in all its ongoing projects.
We are proud of our young volunteers.