SMARTKITE volunteers regularly visit various NGOs to understand how they can create synergistic relationships. One such NGO is the sewing center run by a Rotary Club in Faridabad. On their visit our members realized that the students at the center had the gadgets/machines but did not have regular supply of the cloth to practice stitching. Our volunteers were quick enough to connect with a few Garment exporters. The exporters were kind enough to consent to the proposal of SMARTKITE to give away the excess cloth generated during their production process to this sewing center.
A few volunteers also connected with their school vendors and asked them to outsource few jobs of sewing buttons, zips and stitching etc. The vendors are happy to do so, as they have to pay the students at the center much lesser amount for the same job, than what they had to pay earlier. The students are also motivated to come to the sewing center regularly as they have started generating some income now. It is a win-win situation for both. Our Volunteers realized that at times it’s all about connecting the dots!